Bethel Silence on Modern Global Developments

Bethel Silence on Modern Global Developments

Bethel Ignores 8th King Globalization “Gathering” Evidence of Revelation 16:13-16 and Other Prophecies Now Active



As you say “everybody and his brother knows this stuff now”, is it possible the GB don’t HAVE to talk about it?


From 1914 to the time of the GB coup of 1976, JWs used to be speaking of global developments in marked events and or principles live and real-time, of MODERN events while they were happening. That is no longer the case, and yes we should be leading the globalist exposure AND, unlike many others, TYING IT ALL TO PROPHECY PRINCIPLES—live and real-time; it should be PART of our truly “awake” ministry.  There are principles involved that can be well explained by aid of global research: see [1].


I really want to explain this logically so you know it is no innocent ignorance up at Bethel—and it is NOT what old school classic Jehovah’s witness Christians [used to be] known for: live and real-time commentary of prophecy and world power development heading for the climax maturation.

But no more.

In addition, is a symptom of a disinformation and distraction complex, for the far larger global ignorance campaign that blinds and diverts people from the notable SIGNS of world government forming. Bethel is just one sector, a recent sector of organized ignorance override, by planned disinformation; in Bethel, using the truth to cover up the truth. See [2].

This is an OVERALL WORLD GOVERNMENT PROCESS that took time, and it starts to show signs of maturity and in the global research the devices it is using are being exposed, as are, for example, the basic global-financial principles of this process. Thus the global research is not all “conspiracy theory”, it is developing common themes of how global domination is forming. It all boils down to the same concept, and now there is literally volumes upon volumes of research and documentaries on various subjects [and histories] in this overall world government theme that ties it all together. It cannot be simply all wrong, some details may error, some speculations may error, but overall it has IDd what they are up to: bringing in world government; and how.

Of course that is going to be prophecy in principle and the end objective milestone.

Luke 21:25-26 Global Signals

Luke 21:25-28 is a Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 parallel prophecy in a specific sense in that the “signs” precede the real events. So the unique thing about Luke’s version, is it is the SIGNS that come BEFORE the real thing. Luke is foretelling the SIGNALS (now fully present from the world’s “lights” and systems themselves), that in time lead to the actual events of Matthew 24:29-31, coming forth BEFORE those very real global events:

(Luke 21:25-26) “Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

Thus the prophecy is that ominous, telling, signals will precede big global events. These things need to be explained in time, for Bethel now ignores all modern prophecy. These “signs” will continue to be “seen” all the way to the real events fully manifesting at global scale, for they are signs of the end of the “old world order”. They are signs of global transition into the “new world order” as full 8th King world government.

What we gather is world government will not pop up tomorrow, and it will give more “signals” of its arrival [before] it arrives in full, “ascends” in full, from an “abyss” state it also has yet to enter, again. (See [3])

The “sun, moon and stars” is symbolic of human societal and governmental “lights” in this “old world order”, “signs” from the systems of the “old world order” itself, bad signs, red flags, ominous signals of instability and change. In this prophecy the “signs” are ominous signal developments that start to emerge, more and more, globally, indicating ominous developments are what it is all signaling for the whole nation-state system model, the “old world order” readying for replacement.

This means RIGHT NOW signs are emerging from the system itself with dire warnings. OBVIOUSLY alternative news and research is full of these kinds of warnings and exposé’s of what is really going on in global finance, military and compromised national governments and agencies; to name but a few areas being exposed as unstable and or developing for greater purposes. And all of it has a link into PROCESSES in prophecy that are forming world government—prophecy NOW ACTIVE at the same time.

Prophecy now being concealed by apostate globalist aiding Bethel.

And further at odds with the over-simplistic Bethel delusion complex, is that these “signs” are not of “the end”, but of a final cycle. And one that repeats (see [4]), at that, it is a cyclic global-cycle we are seeing building up in all these “signs”. And as detailed as some of these signs are, they also have examples of research that explains the basic function of these processes, how they fundamentally work to secure power and wealth consolidation, now uniquely at truly global scale. This is very important, and no wonder Bethel will not reveal things that disprove their premature delusion, for that delusion can be used against JWs, when the time for this cycle to go full blown active arrives.

Thus the global research on all these “signs” of system function to support global domination developments, systemic national governmental corruption and eventual subservience, enormous global debt compromise, Satanic connections to elitist power systems and families, ALL THE CONSPIRATORIAL SUBJECT MATTER, has relation to prophecy, and it IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT, and related to this REQUIRED set of global portents there at Luke 21:25. Now keep in mind Luke 21:25-26 precedes the real events, it is a prophecy of SIGNS that uniquely emerge BEFORE it really hits.

(Matthew 24:32-33) “Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors. 

Thus Luke 21:25-26 “signs” are related to the overall “sign” of Christ’s arrival. ALL of it relates to features of 8th King world government completion work, in progress, the Bible explains the main principles of their final power development. ([1])

Examples of Active Prophecy Continuums to World Government

The point of this is that just as world developments are progressive to the world government goal, so is the prophecies that forecast that progression to that goal, because that world government goal when reached, triggers God and Christ, plain and simple. Thus as we see the global system maturing to their goal, we can gauge the milestone cycle and events leading to that confrontation known as Har-Magedon.

Thus Bethel selling a simplistic “it is the end brothers! forget all else!” is of course a dereliction of duty, by omission, of final developmental details now overflowing in the global research. Now if non-religious commentators can get this zealous in their own exposé’s, of course a comatose “Asleep!” Bethel is suspect, THEY SHOULD BE LEADING THE PACK!  Because it is PROPHECY now fulfilling in these progressions and required continuums, to the world government goal, that Bethel is IGNORING AS POLICY, JW dumbing down policy. (WT 3/15/2015)

Thus Bethel’s own progressive apostasy at Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35,41 is what we are instead actually seeing, as it has co-developed since 1990 (see [5]), when Bethel also conveniently ignored that 3rd UN presentation—a presentation of a UN third step of four, to world government.

So for example Daniel 11:40 (global globalist system invasion), Joel 3:9-12 (global military), Daniel 11:42-43 (global wealth control), Revelation 17:11-18 (uni-polar sovereign convergence), Revelation 16:12-16 (globalization “gathering” of nations) are ALL processes that take time, that are active NOW, that relate explicitly to the main developmental progressive forms of world power shifting to the globalist 8th King backing camp at global scale (as is Daniel 11:36-39, and Daniel 8:23-24 as applied to 8th King development, not the current Bethel diversions); and all of those processes equate to world government as the end product, the real global objective they culminate into over this final cycle also emerging as part of the process of these global research revelations.

All of those prophecies have active development in the evidence of this global research subject matter; that Bethel is now IGNORING.

Daniel 11:42-43 and Revelation 17:11-18 are notably incomplete as is Revelation 16:12-16, but all of these things above, will continue to progress to a global monopoly, and to a full maturation of what they are indicating is eventually a climax culmination condition. And also note, the Bible, in very little words, IDs the main principles to be aware of in these prophecies main progressive meanings, and the main global power developments in wealth, military and governmental control, and its religious harlot complex positioning. (Rev16:12,19; Rev17:15-18). The BTG “harlot” is actually totally powerless (but are a spiritual sovereignty at Rev17:18, to be deposed as well), the “harlot” id there to mislead, divide and lie to help mislead the masses in that particular sector.

And we have supra-national global institutions, corporate complexes, and organizations, at globalist developmental levels of world ability and authority to operate internationally, that are now well known in alternative research circles. (Hence Revelation 13:11-15 and the meaning of the “two horned wildbeast” actual Anglo-American based globalist elite systems, above and beyond national government authority in that “seven headed wildbeast” (Rev13:1), also exercising its authority as per that Revelation 13:12 detail. )

(Revelation 13:11-12) And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed.

Note the “healing” process aids its world government presentation in that principle active since WW1 was resolved into that League of Nations “image” first presentation in 1919.

(Revelation 17:8) The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world.

Note the “abyss ascension” also aids the presentation of world government, thus the whole final process is concurrent, healing and abyss ascension, as it is obviously related to presenting world government. ([3])

Bible Reveals The Three Dominant Forms of Real Global “Power and Authority”

The REAL world power triad is (1) FINANCE/WEALTH control, (2) globalized military and (3) government control, in that order, because wealth control drives everything else. Militaries ultimately exist to protect wealth, and to seize more wealth. Governments are the puppet shows for the masses to legalize it all and get all involved in their sector of influence. (much like the JW “government” of the Governing Body and Bethel; they are all tools of greater powers)

Wealth is also what establishes national governments to maturity, hence all the loans the national governments need to exist. So wealth power defines the monetary system and all together that is the main nucleus of world power and how and why things get done to make them richer and more powerful owners of things. (Hence Revelation 13:15-18, when that Daniel 11:42-43 culminates in the future.)

As per Daniel 11:42-43, wealth control is actually the most powerful form of control. Wealth control in Daniel 11:42-43 is achieved FIRST, before total global sovereign control of Daniel 11:44-45 and Revelation 17:11-18.

Religion in the BTG symbol, is just a “harlot”, it has no true power, its function is divisions, disinformation (like at Bethel), delay/diversion and confusion, that the real-power-triad uses to “divide and conquer”; and the religious dimension aids that process for the whole final cycle. Then it is deposed. Like a harlot, the “kings of the earth’ support and allow religions to operate as “escorts” to aid their credibility and to help sell their lies and scams because war is always involved in expanding wealth and power, thus murder and killing must be made honorable, legal and systematized through state and religion working together in that profiteering orgy.

The harlot rides the wildbeast as a drunken freeloader, NOT the driver. (Rev17:1-6)

But the globalist bankers, industrialists, weapon technocrats and elites are who cash in on real wealth and power, progressive, in especially every world war cycle, it is the big super-phase of wealth and power consolidation. National powers just end up used, in debt, and enslaved to the financiers, it is all part of the world war process that doles the debt (and profits) out at massive magnitude in that cycle. This is how war, has aided the end of the “old world order”, not by force, but by loss of real wealth, for debts and interest. The debts are generally paid, the INTEREST is what remains hanging, and in time that set-up means global default in some manner when this cycle runs for a final global stressing cycle. Now we know what the “tribulation of those days” is, it is that cycle, that transition out of the “old world order”, and its “lights”, to the “new world order” as world government, hence why the lights go out for the nation-state whole system, in Matthew 24:29, as previewed in Luke 21:25-26 SIGNALS now being seen globally.

(Matthew 24:29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.

So an important feature is, at this transition point is when Christ arrives, AFTER that whole “tribulation of those days” has EXPIRED on its own, AFTER the tribulation of those days, is when Christ arrives. The other important feature is, Christ gives a signal of arrival first, and when he does arrive it still is NOT “the end”, he gathers all the sheep first.  VERY IMPORTANT! Because this is not “the end” segway, this is what enables Revelation 14, and its WHOLE FINAL SEQUENCE. (See [6])

But in that real-power-triad transcending the nation-state, transcending the “old world order’, the UN is the legislative global-governmental center (not the whole, but its “supreme court” and “government forum”), GLOBAL-UN-NATO will become a global military body all will join willingly or by force as per Revelation 17:11-18, and the globalist banking/wealth control system will be the main guide system for a world government sector of global ownership, legally defined by that final global tier of true world government.

Thus that triad, is what forms world government.

And since 1990, in that 3rd UN presentation of the “New World Order” objective, comes the post-1990 globalization wave all economic socialist systems were scrapped for global-capitalism, WITH the fall of the USSR, that Bethel could explain as all of these more and more detailed volumes of global research is now explaining, now disconnected from prophetic processes with Bethel’s aid, all in active development with all this, that could be FULLY EXPOSED. The picture forming, is not “the end”, but the final cycle to complete that world government. And in that final cycle, the whole prophecy also converges into final fulfillment as a mirroring final cycle into a climax global situation.

Bethel could very clearly show this is a global-process, the globalist “two horned wildbeast” elements are being IDd by the world itself. NOW the “two horned wildbeast”, an independent “wild beast”, could EASILY be identified with the main developmental power systems of the Anglo-American GLOBALIST ELITES. They are the main architects of world government around its international UN “image” (Rev13:11-15)—the whole world, well many researchers, are plainly exposing all this “globalist” information.

Thus Bethel could, but will not, expose the globalist tier of Anglo-American based, true world power that defines the “two horned wildbeast” lead world government architects much more clearly than their current “its the 7th King” head, which is a national system, which is not the GLOBALIST based “two horned wildbeast” reality.

Thus Bethel will NOT UPDATE PROPHECY, that could be updated with the aid of this modern globalism research. BETHEL IS STALLING AN DIVERTING JWs, with also the use of old errors, they stubbornly maintain as “truth” in the face of contrary global evidence of more advanced understanding.

Why is Bethel diverting attention to a dated interpretation that is not the real globalist development the “two horned wildbeast” is? Because they are controlled by them (Dan11:32a, Dan8:12), with the rest of the “harlot” religious organizations. And that too is in prophecy, and of course Bethel is NOT going to expose themselves as apostate traitors and impostors (Dan11:32a) fulfilling the signal prophecy they are instead diverting attention from, while they fulfill it instead.

Bethel will not advance JWs understanding past 7th King [national] realms of power, such as identifying fully the very real globalist tier of greater global-authority that will define the final 8th King, and its King North, 8th King, King Fierce in Countenance TOTALITY as world government. Thus Bethel is keeping JWs in the “7th King is the end all form of global power” DELUSION. Rather than TELL JWS, these globalists are in that “two horned wildbeast” to complete the 8th King GLOBAL GOVERNMENT goal, they will not take JWs past 1960 understanding. It is a retardation process, so JWs will not understand that world government has also been a process—and now its globalist players could be IDd fully.

Bethel also implies the UN “image” is also the final form of that “8th King” development. It is not. 8th King world government will include the UN “image”, but it will be true full bodied complete “scarlet wildbeast” global totality of world government BEYOND IT. The 8th King is a GLOBAL REIGNING RULERSHIP, not yet present into hat UN “image” alone. So Bethel is stalling the UN image understanding that can also advance to the awareness of full world government REQUIREMENT.

And IGNORING massive global research, is how Bethel keeps JWs mentally in 1960 as far as world power development. JWs have no idea GLOBALIZATION is what forms world government, and GLOBALISM is its main mantra of development. JWs are stuck in “nation-state” thinking and dated mindset and “old world order” paradigms.

Globalized Finance

For example, the Federal Reserve and London central banking nexus systems, remain unexposed as to its basic function for global wealth control, by massive debt compromise. Do we think the Federal Reserve coming into existence in 1913-1914 has no connection to 1914-1918 WW1 profiteering? Of course it does—thus the financial arm of world government development ALSO emerged in 1914. Unimportant? No, it is ignored by Bethel to cover for their globalist pals. The basic function of Federal Reserve fiat currency creation, to create debt in the fractional reserve banking model, to extend a US Dollar based “world reserve currency”, has now extended globally, administered by the World Bank, IFI, and IMF globalist complex into all the “central banks” of the whole nation-state economic and corporate complex.

Obviously in global research this is advancing to new levels of final functionality that a global crash will merely AID as would a final global war.

THUS the single most EXPLICIT AND LITERAL PROPHECY OF OUR TIMES is that in Daniel 11:42-43, because it is a global gold bullion and “desirable things” asset control prophecy CLEARLY involved with this global finance global-setup—a global debt positioning now described in volumes upon volumes by global economic and globalist forecasters!

Awake! magazine is ASLEEP! in regard to these fundamental basics of how fractional reserve lending works. How the central bank administered by that same Federal Reserve lead system of this key “world reserve currency” is the leading developer of this condition. And how everything else will follow that transition of the “old world order” finance system phased out, in severe but controlled manner, for the 8th King “new world order” finance system, WHOSE BASIS OF FUNCTION, is outlined literally, at Daniel 11:42-43, that progresses to Daniel 11:42-45 8th King/King North “palatial tents”, to MERGE into Daniel 12’s final fulfillment round.

Thus Bethel is IGNORING a plainly EASY TO SEE FOR ALL Daniel 11:42-43 prophecy, (explained more later), here:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt.

The other significance is “Egypt” is the King South original domain of that whole Daniel 11 progression of these tow kings. Thus in the above, King South is being deposed, by loss of wealth control; and wealth control is sovereign control, thus loss of real wealth power, is loss of sovereignty. Now we plainly know national sovereign deposition is a major theme of globalism research. Uni-polar “Globalism” is the convergence of multi-polar “nationalism”, in which process nationalism is deposed as a power system of pinnacle global authority, now “globalized” into world government.

Thus we are seeing in Daniel 11:42-43, the deposition of the nation-state 7th King “King South” predominated “land of Egypt”, the whole world in effect, into pinnacle King North global gold rulership, hence the very basis of the main global symbol of all global wealth “denomination” as the basis of all monetary functions. But further, “all the desirable things” of Egypt are also taken by GLOBALIST King North, also at global scale of the sovereign power that will give them, in full.

Now we do not need to be rocket scientists to know how enormous national debts will aid this process for King North wealth control at global scale to come over this final cycle, and why its control forms FIRST in this final process of true world government. Now that global-debt and dependency complex is setting up the global Daniel 11:42-43 development, at global scale NOW, to eventually finalize that wealth, finance and gold control process fully in the future. Thus the basic function of global central banking could now be connected to the REAL portion of Daniel 11 and Daniel 11:42-43 that MUST YET FULFILL fully.

Daniel 11:42-43 Explicit in Coming 8th King Globalized Wealth Control
And as we see in Daniel 11:42-45, the wealth element of Daniel 11:42-43 is couped first by King North. OBVIOUSLY as well, “King North” is globalist world power that since even the Federal Reserve and WW1, has been consolidating wealth and power by use of world war and military profiteering in cycles, and regularly. Now we know the global conditions of Revelation 13:15-18 are directly related to the global wealth coup of Daniel 11:42-43.


(Revelation 13:15-18) And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast. 16 And it puts under compulsion all persons, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

(Revelation 13:16-18) And it puts under compulsion all persons (not just Christians, but everyone possible in the final “one hour” of 8th King scarlet wildbeast world government authority; Rev17:12), the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and that nobody might be able to buy or sell (Dan11:42-43; financial and economic global dependency aids 666 incentive and extortion) except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Is enabled by this:

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; and as regards the land of Egypt, she will not prove to be an escapee. 43 And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt.

(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King/King North) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (collective national powers; King South “capital”), she (feminized King South) will not prove to be an escapee. (captured by globalist power intrigues of first a financial nature:) 43 And he (King North/8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures (globally) of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (Thus 8th King/King North rules the world wealth, wealth system and all “desirable things” of collective global national “Egypt” “King South” powers in full globalist progressive ownership);

They are obviously wealth and finance control related finales.

Globalized Military

The 1990 Gulf War was a first actual NATO globalist-military operation in certain elements in active military operations in that first Iraq invasion; it opened the door to “Global NATO” (1999), and the Global War on Terror (2001) to expand and continue the global positioning of Daniel 11:40, a continuum also marked in 1990 with that 3rd UN presentation as it emerged in the same period. It is no coincidence, it is all related.

This is unique, for NATO is a [globalized] military nexus with a stated goal of global military monopoly that will align with 8th King world government in time—its goal is the military element of world government. It is now truly global in scope, supra-national in authority, and international in scope of members, and it tentacles out to other regional military coalitions like the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Mediterranean Dialogue and others.

Thus Joel 3:9-12 and Daniel 11:40 are all maturing to completion with the NATO nucleus.

This is a globalist military positioning fully enabled as NATO went actually military in 1990:

(Daniel 11:40) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south (the nation-state global power system) will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the (globalizing power system) king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the (national) lands (worldwide) and flood over and pass through. (King North military and financial system expansion concurrently maturing since 1990 aiding the Daniel 11:42-43 culmination to start the final cycle and proceed for some years);

NATO going global empowers this process to the full:

(Joel 3:9-12) “Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances. As for the weak one, let him say: “I am a powerful man.” 11 Lend your aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together.’” To that place, O Jehovah, bring your powerful ones down. 12 “Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat; for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about.

(Joel 3:9-12) “Proclaim this, you people, among the nations, ‘Sanctify war! Arouse the powerful men! Let them draw near! Let them come up, all the men of war! (global. Rev19:19-21, Eze38) 10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning shears into lances. (developing military “god of fortresses” power is expensive and drains national sustenance) As for the weak one, let him say: “I am a powerful man.” (aids the global delusion) 11 Lend your (gold and silver and desirable things) aid and come, all you nations round about, and collect yourselves together.’” (into an 8th King global unification of rival rulership. Rev16:13-16) To that place (Rev16:13-16), O Jehovah, bring your powerful ones down. (Christ and the angelic “armies in heaven”. Rev19:11-21) 12 “Let the nations be aroused and come up to the low plain of Jehoshaphat (Har-Magedon); for there I shall sit in order to judge all the nations round about. (Zeph3:8, Ps2);

Now incidentally, in 1990 when this globalist military invasion becomes notable with that 1990 3rd UN presentation…:

(Daniel 11:40-41) “And in the time of [the] end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing, and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through. 41 He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration, and there will be many [lands] that will be made to stumble. But these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moab and the main part of the sons of Ammon. 

…that “invasion”, “He will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration”, INCLUDES the infiltration of Bethel as the HQ of the anointed Christian ministry, now overrun as well in this post 1990 process fully, by the Bethel system compromise, as well in that same King North “push”:

(Daniel 11:41) He (8th King) will also actually enter into the land of the Decoration (infiltrates the Bethel ministry internally), and there will be many [people] that will be made to stumble. (Matt24:15; Luke21:20 signal development present now at Bethel; Stumbling people is also the lawless Bethel subversion goal. Parallels Daniel 8:11-13 and Daniel 11:30-35 events and meaning);

Thus King North is INSIDE of Bethel, and they are who are overrunning the anointed Christian ministry, to now full coup:

(Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

And THAT emerged in the Daniel 11:29-31 3rd UN presentation, post Cold War (Dan11:29) developments of 1990, when Bethel also went UN NGO in 1991, AS A CONCURRENT PART OF THIS PROCESS:

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively; and he will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. 31 And there will be arms that will stand up, proceeding from him; and they will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature].

(Daniel 11:30-31) “And he (8th King/King North) will actually go back and hurl denunciations against the holy covenant and act effectively (produces a successful operation Dan8:12b); and he (8th King) will have to go back and will give consideration to those leaving the holy covenant. (anointed core defection at Bethel aids internal 8th King access) 31 (Bethel subversion:) And there will be arms that will stand up (at Bethel; Dan11:41; Luke21:20), proceeding from him (8th King planners);  and they (collusion) will actually profane the sanctuary, the fortress, and remove the constant [feature]. (3rd UN placement 1990:) “And they (team effort) will certainly put in place the disgusting thing that is causing desolation. (3rd UN placement, 1990; UN NGO, 1991, at Bethel; Matt24:15; Dan8:13 “transgression causing desolation”);

Thus the Bethel apostasy, aided by King North infiltration, also emerges in the time of this 3rd United Nations presentation—marked in the same prophecy—it is no random coincidence what manifested from Bethel at that time, to today’s total JW subversion.
World Government

Thus globalization is the main global “gathering” force here, that Bethel also will not plainly inform all of:

(Revelation 16:12-16) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. 13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.

(Revelation 16:12-16) And the sixth one poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates (Parallels 6th trumpet), and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings from the rising of the sun. (Babylon the Great being set-up for Revelation 17:15-17 parallel events by removal of human defenses (Rev17:15)) 13 And I saw three unclean inspired expressions [that looked] like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (complete 8th King globalist influence culminating) 14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and perform signs, and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth (culminating in this final period), to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. (parallels Revelation 17:12-18 and Daniel 11:42-43 culminations into globalist 8th King power; Globalization is now the main global force of this “gathering”, and its globalism concept itself is an “inspired expression” of demons) 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness.” 16 And they gathered them (Globalization completes, “gathered”; by Dan11:42-43 and Rev17:11-17 8th King wealth and power consolidations culminating) together (into final 8th King globalist unification symbolized in completion by 4th UN “placement” and proclamations as WORLD GOVERNMENT; (1Thess5:1-3)) to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon. (Joel 3:9-17 “place”);

I included Revelation 16:12 to show Babylon the Great is being set up in this final cycle process culmination that is also present below. But this is also the climax period when all global sovereignty is transferred fully to the 8th King totality:
(Revelation 17:11-18) and it goes off into destruction. 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, and so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” 15 And he says to me: “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns that you saw, and the wild beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.”

(Revelation 17:11-18) And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an (globalist) eighth [king], but springs from the seven (national power progression culmination), and it goes off into destruction. (Dan7:26, 8:25, 11:45; Rev19:20) 12 “And the ten horns that you saw mean ten (national) kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority (in world government conglomeration. Rev16:13-16) as kings one hour (limited period of full global authority of WORLD GOVERNMENT) with the (globalist “scarlet”) wild beast. (world government totality) 13 These have one thought (sovereign expansion and or preservation), and so they give their (national based sovereign) power and authority to the (globalist apex forming super-sovereign) wild beast. (as world government completion) 14 These will battle with the Lamb, but, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those called and chosen and faithful with him [will do so].” (all 144000 complete Messianic Kingdom. Rev14:1) 15 And he says to me: (Babylon the Great goes down in this “one hour” sequence) “The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. 16 And the ten horns (national powers) that you saw, and the wild beast (globalist power), these will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire. (deposing religious sovereignty globally and absorbing assets) 17 For God put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their (national based) kingdom to the (globalist ascendant) wild beast (as world government completion), until the words of God will have been accomplished. 18 And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (the target religious sovereignty; Rev16:19, Rev11 final fulfillment “great city”. This is how we know “Babylon the Great’s” destruction does not start the judgment (1Pet4:17), it is deep in the final cycle near its end.);

Thus the whole financial and military global coup, allows world government to be made globally official.

Accordingly the main point is, all that finance and military set-up is what culminates in global-sovereign “gathering” convergence. It is not just secular research of actual history taking place as it takes place being explained by various human thinkers, IT IS ALSO a prophecy becoming history, right under our noses, because prophecy outlines THE BASIC DRIVING PRINCIPLES of how a “new world order” is to form: it monopolizes the whole planet, by monopolizing the governments by wealth monopolization and or military domination working together, which “symphony” of power development and wealth and power consistent consolidation is ENCAPSULATED IN WORLD WAR.

And that is why in WW1, ALL of these principle devices also are present, such as the birth of the Federal Reserve, in the same time frame of WW1. WW1 required the industrial and governmental funding mechanics to have a main driving monopoly in Anglo-American investment and finance, to capitalize the entire world war effort, from (1) preparation, to (2) weapons application and physical infrastructural destruction, to (3) required reparations. In that intensive super-cycle (the world war model), the fiat currency monetary symbol, from that Anglo-American dominated central bank cabal (driving the rest) based monetization system, is what wealth is capitalized upon, it is what drives the entire mechanics of accumulating hard wealth, with paper digits, WORTHLESS PAPER, PURELY EMPOWERED BY PEOPLE’ S [BELIEF] IN THAT WEALTH SYMBOL.

For paper dollars are just a symbol, of the wealth the globalist system accumulates under corporate ownership, even governments are [purchased” with currency as debt, bonded, securitized, collateralized in a nations wealth, through also their own governments, at which time the interest on these debts ENSURES consistent default, will deliver the collateralized wealth, to the bankers. All they “risked” was mere worthless paper, not even backed by gold any longer, for in reality it is backed by debt, especially the hard wealth securitized as collateral top cover those debts (in the interest). In financial collapse as well, the bankers are risking a little paper and ink (3% of money volume), and totally worthless digital digits as most debt is monetized in computers, so they can “forgive debt”, for in reality it is NOTHING to them, but an accepted believed in symbol. But they do not “forgive debt” for nothing, the collateral, in time EVERYTHING, ends up in their full ownership authority, just like a foreclosed home, but this “house” is the national government and its whole dependent economic system.

And that is why the main global coup component is the monetary control which merely facilitated the legal ownership of the real, hard, wealth, in time the whole nation, in time all the nations, hence the whole world.

Now of course, the more one is researching in alternative sources, for the main stream SAYS VERY VERY LITTLE ABOUT ALL THIS, [[NEVER]] CONNECTING THE DOTS, then the more one is getting these “pieces” of this final “puzzle”, that many are not seeing, including isolated JWs. And this is for a reason, without seeing these pieces, then we are not able to advance in the principles in how those pieces fit, principles God has in these prophecies, such as the wealth control of Daniel 11:42-43 as the first driver of it all. But the Bible also IDs the military and governmental sovereign consolidation process as well, AND its end purpose: to finally create and IMPLEMENT GLOBALLY the FINAL defiant demon/human world rulership SYSTEM, that “New World Order” of the 8th King=King North=King Fierce in Countenance GLOBAL. Many see the machinations and mechanics of the “new world order”, many see its “image”, for IT IS CONNECTED to prophecy BUT NOW DUE TO BETHEL SILENCE it is NO LONGER being connected, live and real-time, to prophecy as it should.

The thing about Rutherford is HE EXPLAINED PROPHECY BECOMING HISTORY WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING! And Fred Franz continued the theme and “reporting LIVE” on the world scene, the world developments we need to be connecting, LIVE AND REAL-TIME, to the prophecy principles and the final objective it is developing DAY OVER DAY, YEAR OVER YEAR, as one thing does and will lead to another. It is an ACTIVE PROCESS, it is NOT “the end”, and thus for Bethel to be off on “exit 666” FULLY STALLED (dead and real-time), on a road leading to “exit 1000”, the 1000 Year Reign of Christ, in a process with evidence of continuation now in global volumes of events and research, is negligent, it is apostate, it is failure as ministers.

Since even that 3rd UN presentation, Bethel has been bypassing great globalization indicating events, and basic principles of function, such as in the international central banking system, and Global NATO, for over 20 solid years. Thus JWs are well used to now, this exit 666 picnic. It is a stall, it is a derailment, it is off course, it is ignoring developments that indicate the final cycle of world development and that same mirroring final cycle of prophecy. This is no innocent affair, this is full blown apostate UN NGO treason, and the reason for it is to obscure world government development that MUST COMPLETE, not simply devolve into that Bethel fantasy premature “its the end brothers!” “forget all else, it is the end!!!”. It is pure bull.


Of course the whole diversion is due to this “man of lawlessness” “set in opposition” as the co-development that proceeds successfully with all this covered up globalist activity indicating the “old world order” of nation-state sovereign independence is also ending.

What we are seeing, in terms of the geo-political research of the world itself, is the end of the “old world order”. The national system, the nation-state model, the multi-polar world power fragmentation is the “order” that is being set up to lose its wealth sovereignty and military sovereignty in this process we are PLAINLY seeing maturing for a finale CYCLE, a final phase to bring in the “NEW world order”, a uni-polar world authority. And that is what Revelation 17:11-18 is, and THAT process final is not complete. But it will complete, and the point is we could be FULLY explaining it.

Of course fully explaining it, means fully explaining the projection is getting clearer, this is no “slam dunk”, this requires a final great global stressing cycle, to form the stressing-to-recovery conditions, in which recovery world government will be the “solution” to the final big global “problem”. As God is actually being loving in stretching this all out with greater understanding backed by the world’s own “signs” and research, we are now getting an approximate gauging, to be fully aided by prophecy fulfilling with great global milestones, to Christ’s arrival, by these final steps to complete the final step into 8th King world government.

In this way “the end” is being forewarned in unique manner, live and real-time. But it is no warning if JWs will not connect these global revelations to the prophecy. And thus the explanation forming of a drawn out “end” cycle, contradicts the convenient little delusion at Bethel for their instant “end” scenario. They will not explain how this research is forecasting a final cycle, because they need that premature end delusion for the concealment of other events to come on Bethel in this same process. The current Bethel arrangement of prophecy, supports another objective opposed to the truth and the truthful ministry now subverted, but setup for worse than just subversion.

So in the prophecy, the apostasy leads to a desolation of the ministry for transgressions that also co-develop with this apostasy, such as remaining mum to more important modern globalization explaining developments marking modern prophecy continuing. Thus in the selfsame prophecy they will not explain, for obvious reasons now, is the temple judgment which can now be sold to JWs as the premature expected end.

And in that massive event on the JW organization, the Bethel “a system of things” (Matt13:36-42), that “city” to be destroyed to some degree in the Matthew 22:7 marriage feast call (Isa66:6), is exposed as apostate in the judgment process, TO FORM A GLOBAL SIGNAL, that we are at the final cycle, not “the end”, but of that apostate signal obstacle, whose removal is to be misrepresented to Jehovah’s witnesses and their global audience as long as possible.



Daniel Prophecy and 8th King Globalists
Daniel 11:36-41 and Daniel 8:23-25 8th King Globalist Details and the Bethel Apostasy Co-Development

Daniel 11:42-43 Explicit in Coming 8th King Globalized Wealth Control


Bethel Trick: Conceal Truth with Truth


Revelation 13 Replication and World Government

Future Global War “Sword-Stroke” to Define UN Peace Keeping “Abyss” Impotence— Sets the Global Stage for the “Healing” “Ascension” of Full 8th King World Government


Repeating Cycles: The Whole Prophecy Repeats Starting With The Temple Judgment Portion


Daniel 8 and 11 Final Apostasy and 3rd UN Placement (1990) Connections and Parallels


Revelation 14 – 144000 and Messianic Kingdom Completion

Bethel’s Main 1990 Diversion 

Temple Judgment Background – Governing Body Covers Up “King of the North” Actual 8th King Meaning

USSR Fails, Also Fails as King North, as UN Third Placement of 1990 Assumes King North Identity as 8th King!

7 thoughts on “Bethel Silence on Modern Global Developments”

  1. Can you specify your dumbing down comment regarding the 3/15/2015 WT? What particular article reveals this dumbing down?

    1. The Bethel Over-Simplification Process to Conceal Modern Prophecy and Bethel’s Modern Apostasy

      Question: Can you specify your dumbing down comment regarding the 3/15/2015 WT? What particular article reveals this dumbing down?
      Response: They do it in “by the way” fashion, let me explain why and the priority Bethel deceptive goals.
      This response also copied here:

      The Bethel Over-Simplification Process to Conceal Modern Prophecy and Bethel’s Modern Apostasy


      Apostate Bethel goals:

      1. Conceal Apostasy at Bethel: 

      Keep in mind part of this Bethel analysis of classic apostasy and its symptoms on this blog and concerns the FACT this apostasy is in prophecy due to its timing and actual severity. So of course Bethel is not going to admit “we are the final apostasy you are to be on the watch for brothers!”. Rather they will divert attention to their own “approval” and “keeping awake” and that there “can be no evil slave”, and other techniques of diverting the attention to the “apostasy” elsewhere; out to the pews and upon the JW opposers on the Web. 

      And keep in mind Biblical apostasy ALWAYS concerns the ministerial leadership, so they have JWs looking in places that do not apply to major prophetic apostasy—it is Bethel who has devolved into apostasy, “gradually given over” (Dan8:12), and so the defectors and impostors at Bethel distract JWs to “lying apostates”, when Bethel does in fact have a scandalous record, it is no “lie of opposers”, especially under the GB tenure since 1976. THAT is when this devolution to apostasy and human focused idolatry began in the JW ministry: by its leadership.

      2. Conceal UN 8th King/King North Modern Activity: 

      The other thing this blog informally describes in a correspondence record of mostly forum discussion, is that Bethel is also concealing that 3rd United Nations “New World Order” presentation of 1990, which is actually just as foretold as were the first two UN presentations of 1919 and 1945, as they are continuum of 4 UN presentations in prophecy, UN 1-2-3-4, the final as full world government. ( goes into detail on this 3rd UN Bethel cover-up and UN NGO in more structured explanations)

      (And so Bethel also conceals the FACT “King North” MUST BE the “8th King” global development, it CANNOT be the “USSR” failure. (See Dan11:36))

      3. Conceal Fact Apostasy Co-Develops With 3rd UN Event: 

      So it is in Bethel’s deceptive interest to conceal their apostasy that [[co-develops with]] these major UN foretold events of that 1990 3rd UN presentation at Daniel 11:30-35,41, and at Daniel 8:11-14,23. IN THE PROPHECY, the apostasy develops with that 3rd UN presentation to become visible in evidence and symptoms. The UN NGO is the main evidence, as is the devolution of JWs overall into a completely foreign religion now, totally transformed from the 1960s JW faith, at its peak of validity. So Bethel is concealing the 3rd UN presentation actual meaning, along with their co-developing apostasy—and it is the prophecy, not a “conspiracy theory”, that reveals the true Bethel internal condition and objectives. (Dan11:32a, 2Thess2:3-4)

      4. Conceal the Final Cycle and Required Temple Judgment:

      Thus taken altogether, by removing the real prophecy details now in action since 1990, fully covered up by this kind of Bethel “simplification” process, now admitted, Bethel is concealing the fact this is a FINAL CYCLE ABOUT TO START, NOT “THE END”. They are breaking JW awareness the UN 1-2-3 is what is present, not just the UN 1-2 as JWs did expose. And in so doing JWs have no idea, in prophecy, in coming reality, it is UN 1-2-3-4 to world government completion OVER THIS REQUIRED FINAL CYCLE. (The real Daniel 11:42-45)

      And in so doing JWs do not perceive THE TEMPLE JUDGMENT IS WHAT COMES FIRST, THE FINAL ONE, THE BIGGIE. And that temple judgment comes on apostate Bethel and anointed Christians for final purification to prepare the actual valid final warning AFTER the Bethel apostasy is judged, removed and exposed as part of that final warning process. Thus they do not want JWs to understand, the final cycle, is a repeat of the whole major prophetic structure of Revelation, with unique elements in Daniel 8:13-14 and Daniel 11:42-45 activating in this final 8th King cycle, UN 1-2-3-4 4th UN cycle, that fully runs and forms a complete 8th King full world government, BEFORE Christ arrives. The final cycle aids the process.

      How Bethel Dumb Down Policy Fits In

      So it is not just the butchered parables in this article, Bethel has admitted that it has been a policy for quite some time—but they admit it in a informal manner—it is for those who “may have noticed”, which are older JWs in the org at least 20 years. It is JWs who are familiar with Fred Franz in depth style of explaining Biblical prophecy and parables, who now detect this “filler” Bethel regurgitates to take JWs no further in understanding, and to retard them by lack of in depth study, now applied for over 20 years in a progressive manner. It is also a development newer JWs will not have seen the “shift” in, since it has been being “simplified” for about 25 years now.

      So they speak about it like this, particularly for those who have noticed the “shift” to “an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity”, thus to older JWs who “may have noticed”:

      Watchtower March 15, 2015 pgs. 7-11; Article: This Is the Way You Approved; Heading: Making Deep Truths Accessible to All

      par. 4 In recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by Jehovah’s organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity.par. 7 If you have been serving Jehovah for decades, you may have noticed a gradual shift in the way our literature explains many of the narratives recorded in the Bible. 

      This is true, because this “shift” has taken place over 25 years or so. But when they were “shifting”, they certainly told no one about it. But now that some older JWs “may have noticed a gradual shift”, as I did notice that “shift”, now they come out and say so. It indicates JW are now backward and dumb enough to be told why they are on vegetables and Wormwood water. (Rev8:10-11)

      And this is because they are now totally denuding, what was once deeply covered prophecy and parable information which IS PROGRESSIVE—it is NOT “all about done brothers” “Daniel and [Revelation] prophecy has fulfilled to the smallest detail” (WT 6/15/12). They want JWs to accept this as ” This Is the Way [GOD has] Approved”, so they can sell their dumb-down campaign as “approved by God”; don’t ask too many questions, we are now explaining things with an ” increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity”. 

      So they are giving an rationalized excuse for over-simplification, but in fact they ARE NOT TEACHING JWs what is now active in the prophecy or parable principles. (This attention to killing certain parables is important, because these parables PARALLEL major temple judgment PROPHECIES of the future, and reveal the present apostate symptoms (like the “ten virgins” (WT 3/15/15) and “faithful slave” (WT 7/15/13) parables), with added, modern, important, details!)

      So they want JWs to NOT pay attention to these prophecy and parables details: BECAUSE THEY ARE PRESENT IN THE BETHEL APOSTASY! These prophecies and parables NOW reveal apostate and impostor symptoms INSIDE OF BETHEL!

      “an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity”. That is not true. They are [[OVER-SIMPLIFYING AND IGNORING MODERN PROPHECY AND PARABLES, FULLY SINCE 1990]] and leaving out modern developments contained in prophecies and parables by use of these “We need to keep it simple” rationale. It is a subterfuge to keep JWs NOT studying prophecy vigilantly, and NOT trying to apply these things to Bethel and world government development since 1990, and their UN NGO, OBVIOUSLY a major transgression that WILL be in the prophecy. 

      (And the UN NGO is in prophecy, it is the “TRANSGRESSION CAUSING desolation” to BETHEL, soon, as the “trampling” of Daniel 8:13, for the Daniel 8:14 temple judgment timing and phasing. Dan8:14,26. It is in the “they” “will certainly place the disgusting thing” of Daniel 11:30-31, as Bethel is a King North aid and concealers, who ALSO placed their own UN NGO “disgusting thing” INSIDE the JW ministry.)

      par 10 The details of such teachings—who pictures whom and why—can be hard to keep straight, to remember, and to apply. Of even greater concern, though, is that the moral and practical lessons of the Bible accounts under examination may be obscured or lost in all the scrutiny of possible antitypical fulfillments. Thus, we find that our literature today focuses more on the simple, practical lessons about faith, endurance, godly devotion, and other vital qualities that we learn about from Bible accounts.

      par 13 Has our literature also come to explain Jesus’ illustrations in a simpler, clearer way over the years? The answer is unmistakably yes!

      Thus these presumptions are then presented as advisable and beneficial, with these empty kinds of rationale that it is all good:

      Watchtower March 15, 2015 pgs. 12-16; Will You “Keep on the Watch”? What Is the Parable’s Message?

      3 We noted in the preceding article that over recent decades, the faithful slave has gradually come to explain the Scriptures with less emphasis on symbolic prophetic pictures and more on practical application. In the past, our literature at times assigned specific symbolic meanings even to small details of Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins, including the lamps, the oil, the flasks, and so forth. Is it possible, though, that we were allowing the spotlight to shift from the parable’s simple, urgent message? As we will see, the answer is of vital importance.

      So as they move through the butchery of those parables discussed in this Watchtower issue, they weave in the “we are keeping it simple” rationale on why these parables are explained in such simplistic terms as they progress in the article:

      Questions From Readers

      So for these reasons our publications in recent years have emphasized the lessons we can learn from Bible accounts instead of trying to find typical and antitypical patterns and fulfillments.

      And thus they are telling JWs, in a by the way manner, why there is no real prophecy discussion anymore. But to those understanding Bethel is a full blown foretold terminal apostasy, they are covering their tracks, described in those prophecies and parables, and making JWs think it is for a good reason. It is more SMOOTH WORD, Bethel DECEPTION:

      (Daniel 11:32) “And those who are acting wickedly against [the] covenant (at Bethel), he (8th King/King North) will lead into apostasy by means of smooth words. (The Bethel “smooth words” 8th King cover-up in the JW publications is part of the smoothly justified apostasy);

      Here is some detail on just the “dumb down policy” rationale and some examples from that WT 3/15/15 issue:
      The Bethel Watchtower March 15, 2015 Dumb Down Policy Revealed and Applied

      The Bethel Watchtower March 15, 2015 Dumb Down Policy Revealed and Applied

      That above article is the last part of this article, below, where is first explained the real “ten virgins” meaning. This article has the whole real “ten virgins” explanation, for modern times, and how it parallels the coming temple judgment prophecy and events, and it ended with that portion in the article above.

      Ten Virgins and Temple Judgment

      Ten Virgins and Temple Judgment


      More on the Bethel Diversion Techniques and Objectives
      Bethel Hoax: Premature End Expectation

      The Bethel Hoax and Premature “End of the World” Expectation

      Bethel’s Main Delusion: The End is Near, Jehovah’s Day is Here! – is a Signal of The Final Apostasy Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival

      Temple Judgment to World Government to Christ Arrival – Revelation 11 and Daniel 12

      Examples of Imposter GB Attempting to Retard Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1990 Thinking – A Look at Watchtower June 15, 2012 Issue
      “Ignore the 8th King Globalists” So Say the Imposter GB

      Diversion Examples: Watchtower 6-15-2012

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